Teacher Education Systems of Australia, Singapore, and South Korea: A Case-Oriented Comparative Study

  • Selda Aras


The quality of teachers is accepted as one of the most important factors affecting learning and teaching process. Researchers found strong relations between performance of teachers and societal goals and problems. This emerging interest on teachers results with more importance given for teacher education. Through case-oriented study design three counties’ teacher educations systems are aimed to be given within this paper: South Korea, Australia, and Singapore. The achievements of students in international exams are very high and teachers have prestigious statues in those countries. Examining the education systems, teacher education systems, and professional development of teachers within three countries, it is aimed to inform readers related with teaching to have an insight about those countries’ models and understand the reasons behind their success.

How to Cite
ARAS, Selda. Teacher Education Systems of Australia, Singapore, and South Korea: A Case-Oriented Comparative Study. Başkent University Journal of Education, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 233-242, july 2018. ISSN 2148-3272. Available at: <http://buje.baskent.edu.tr/index.php/buje/article/view/118>. Date accessed: 29 june 2024.
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